By kwd:
To Sell or not to Sell ?!
Auckland house prices have started to DROP; what would this mean to landlords and retirees hoping to sell and come away with the profits they had imagined? Well there is no time to waste now and if you intend selling in the future, then now would be that time to get your property listed…. that it, if you had intended to sell it.
Now if you are not ready to sell yet, the best is to hold onto your property and see what the next few months has in store for home owners. The reality is that some houses were purchased in a very hot market and that market has now come to an end for much of the one million dollar houses; houses above $1.5mill to over $2million are still pursued by buyers who have money to spend and sufficient equity on their investment properties or have jobs to sustain those high priced properties.
If you are in the market to sell, its best to get on with it before the ‘big cooling’ really takes effect. Get in touch with us to assist you with a market analysis of your area and your property.